Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The website is up and ready to roll. Sorry for taking so long ran into some issues but resolved them. Let me know what Yall think if u are having trouble viewing Any of the pages you can post in the box below or submit a question on my site by going to the "About the Artist" button.

Official Website: The Mache Sculptor
Artist: David Anthony
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.1

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hey Guys and Gals, Been a few days since my last post and anything about Perfect Cell. I have been setting everything aside to build a website for The Mache Sculptor and it can be a hard task building a website from scratch which is the only way I like to build them. :) I just have a few more photos to upload in the Art Gallery and touch up on a few spots and I will announce the opening of my site. As for Perfect Cell as soon as the Sites all done I will return to my Sculpture so be looking for new and exciting updates on whats been done since the last post. Thanks  

Official Website: The Mache Sculptor
Artist: David Anthony

Monday, November 1, 2010

Got Home late but... Work is getting done!!! Website???

Im currently working on a website for The Mache Sculptor.com and its underway. It will be a Easier way for my followers to stay updated. So very soon i will have it up its just trying to get all the rocks and rough edges smoothed down and getting it prepared for the WWW. So i havent set a lanch date but you will be updated on the status as i get done with it. SCULPTURE: Is going well its being paper mached and should have something up for it in a day or two just been real busy. Ok Well everyone have a goodnight. Post/Share http://www.themachesculptor.com/ to your Facebook, Twitter, blogger and YouTube. Help get the word out!! Night everyone God Bless

Official Website: The Mache Sculptor
Artist: David Anthony